

| Xandru l-Imħabba (Broadcast Love) |

Antoine Camilleri (1922-2005)

Xandru l-Imħabba (Broadcast Love)

Antoine Camilleri (1922-2005)
193 x 20 cm
Mixed media – Objet trouvé
Mediterranean Gallery – Religion and Ritual
Antoine Camilleri created an unnatural elongated skinny figure that portrays Christ on the Cross. This type of physiognomy used for a male figure was used by the artist in different works as his self-portrait. This body, the Body of Christ, is placed on a television aerial instead of a traditional cross. This work conveys different interpretations. Certainly, the artist was presenting personal spiritual engagements, by using a popular subject such as the symbol of the cross. The most common interpretation of this piece is that Camilleri empowers television to communicate to a very large audience the word of God. Stylistically the artist combined various experimental conceptual ideas which were already visible in his earliest works created in the mid-40s. This included the reusing of objects in works of art and the deformation of the human body.


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