
The Artist

| Abstract |

Emvin Cremona (1919-1987)


Emvin Cremona (1919-1987)
c. 1957
96.5 x 77.5 cm
Oil on canvas
The Artist Gallery – The Stage for Change
This abstract work forms part of a series of works by Emvin Cremona which were exhibited at the 29th Venice Biennale edition and were considered a milestone in the development of Maltese art. This is because the work of art is a pure abstract painting without any compromise. The composition in this work is reminiscent of different abstract styles that interestingly enough show Cremona’s individuality. Cremona’s previous academic training appears in how he places and applies brilliant colours on the canvas. Furthermore, with the use of black lines that follow alongside the colours, he gives more solidity to the composition. In contrast to these bold black lines, white splashes of colour and lines appear. These make the work look more playful and pleasant to the eye.


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